Terms and Conditions

Colouring Competition

Learn to Swim Colouring Competition

The promoter is Unley Swimming Centre of Ethel Street, Forestville, South Australia 5035.

The Promotion is subject to Terms and Conditions. Information on how to enter this competition forms part of the terms and conditions of entry. Entry into this competition is deemed to be an acceptance of these conditions.

Competition closes 6pm Sunday 8th December 2024.

Entry is open to Swim School Participants aged between 1 and 15 years old.

Employees of The City of Unley, its agencies and their immediate families are ineligible to enter.

To enter, entrants should colour-in the Unley Swimming Centre colouring-in sheet that is available for collection at the Swimming Centre or attached to email. All details on the entry form must be completed, including name of parent/carer, contact number and email address. Completed entries are then to be returned to the Unley Swimming Centre prior to competition closure. An entry will be deemed invalid if illegible or incomplete.

The Unley Swimming Centre reserves the right to verify the validity of entries and to disqualify any entrant who tampers with or does not comply with the entry process.

The promoter is not responsible for entries that are not received, or are received late.

All entries will be the property of the Promoter and will not be returned to entrants.

Entries will be judged by the Unley Swimming Centre leadership team on the Monday 9th December 2024. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into concerning granting of the prizes. This is a game of skill and chance plays no part in determining the winners. Judging will be on the merit of the entry.

The prizes will be awarded to the best entrants in the Under 4 years / 5 - 8 years / 8 - 10 years / 10 years and over age categories as deemed by the Unley Swimming Centre leadership team.

The prizes are not transferable and cannot be taken as cash.

The Prize winners name will be published on the Unley Swimming Centre website and Facebook pages. The parents/guardians of the winners will also be notified by email and telephone.

Prizes will be available for collection from the Unley Swimming Centre as of Sunday 15th December 2024, with prizes not collected by Sunday 29th december 2024 being forfeited. Any unclaimed prizes remain the property of The Unley Swimming Centre.

Entries may be displayed at the Unley Swimming Centre during the competition and the winning entries may be published on the Unley Swimming Centre website and Facebook page.

Colouring Competition Terms and Conditions(PDF, 21KB)

Group Fitness

General Information

Group Fitness Sessions are subject to Centre bookings and are demand driven.

Occasionally the sessions will be unavailable due to carnivals and bookings. In these circumstances, information will be displayed at least one week prior and advertised on the council website, social media and at the Centre.

No sessions will be held on public holidays.


Attendance is by online booking only with sessions capped accordingly.

  • Aquarobics (Maximum 22 participants)
  • Yoga (Maximum 12 participants)
  • SwimFit (Maximum 24 participants)

Bookings can be made 7 days in advance via the Active World APP. A customer profile will be required prior to booking.

Payment must be made online at time of booking, either casually by credit card or by using a Group Fitness multi visit pass.




Casual payments can be made online using the Active World APP and paid via the use of a credit / bank card.

Group Fitness Multi Visit Pass

The Group Fitness multi visit pass is available for purchase online using the Active World APP and at the Centre. A customer profile will be required prior to purchase



Group Fitness Multi Visit Pass Holders

If you can no longer attend your booking, click on the “My Schedule” portal in your Active World app and select “Notify Absence” at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled session.

The allocated pass will be credited back on to their pass automatically.

Please note: If a cancellation is made within 2 hours of the session commencing, the pass will be forfeited.

If a session is cancelled by the Centre for any reason (storms, instructor illness etc.), a pass will be reinstated onto the members Multi Visit Pass.

Casual Payments

Casual payments will not be automatically credited when the “Notify Absence” option is selected, therefore participants who pay casually for a session, will need to contact the Centre either on 8372 5456 or via the “Messenger” portal on the Active World APP, at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled session.

Please note: If a cancellation is made within 2 hours of the session commencing, the session will be forfeited. No cash refunds are given under any circumstance.

If a session is cancelled by the Centre for any reason (storms, instructor illness etc.), a credit will be placed onto the members profile for use within 12 months.

Health Declarations

Participants are required to notify the staff of any medical conditions that may impact on their safety, wellbeing, and enjoyment.

Please discuss any health conditions of concern with staff prior to your first session.

On Arrival

Arrive 5 minutes before the class start time.

Stop at entrance window for check in with a staff member.

If it is your first time attending a class, please let the Group Fitness Instructor know so that they can help you get started and guide as required throughout the class.

Entry will not be permitted 10 minutes after the class has started.

Unley Swimming Centre Group Fitness Session Terms and Conditions(PDF, 421KB)

Learn to Swim

Current Students

All current students are required to re-enrol before the commencement of the following term. Lesson times do not carry over automatically. Please note that if you do not re-enrol, it is assumed you will not be returning.

Re-enrolments are prioritised to existing students for a period of time post term completion before enrolments are open to new students.

Students who miss a Term of lessons for any reason, will be required to undertake a new skill assessment to determine your child’s most appropriate level.

New Students

Students new to the Learn to Swim program may be required to undertake a skill assessment prior to joining.

  • Students aged 6 months to 4 years of age can join without a skill assessment.
  • Students aged 4 years and older will be required to undertake a skill assessment prior to joining.

Skill assessments are by booking only, with sessions advertised at unley.sa.gov.au and on our social media pages. Skill assessments outside of the advertised times can be made by mutual agreement with the Aquatic Services Officer.

Health Declarations

Participants are required to record in their Active World profiles of any medical conditions that may impact on their safety and wellbeing whilst undertaking the Learn to Swim program.

Please discuss any health conditions of significant concern with the Aquatics Services Officer prior to the first lesson.


Payment is for the entire term of lessons and is due at the time of booking your lesson.

Places cannot be held without payment.

Term fees are adjusted according to when the student joins the program.

Discounts and Promotional Codes

Current 12 Month Membership holders (Adult, Concession or Family) are entitled to 20% off the total program cost per child.

Families with 3 or more children booked into the program receive 20% off the 3rd and any subsequent child’s term cost.

Promotional codes will be given to qualifying participants by the Aquatic Services Officer for use at the time of payment. These codes are for use only by the eligible participant. The misuse of this codes may result in a cancellation of booking and loss of payment.

Promotional codes are to be used at the time of payment, and cannot be applied to previous purchases, nor combined with any other offers or discounts.

City of Unley Swimming Centre is not liable for the failure to use an issued promotional code at the time of payment.

Refunds or Credits

No cash refunds under any circumstance. Inability to attend will only be received in writing and considered due to medical impairment, accompanied by appropriate evidence.

Transfer of fees/credits may be allowed for sickness/injury or extenuating circumstance.

Each case will be assessed individually, and the Swim Centre Lead’s decision is final.

We do not refund or credit your lessons if your child chooses not complete or enter their lesson.

We do not provide refunds or credits for unused make ups or missed classes.

Cancellation of enrolment

Enrolments made with an upfront term payment are considered a full-term commitment. Refunds and credits will only be considered if extenuating circumstances exist (Refer to ‘Refunds or credits’).

Make Up Lessons

Make up lessons are dependent on a vacancy in a class and the same instructor cannot be guaranteed.

Absences and bookings of make-up lessons must be done via the customer portal, accessible in the Active World APP.

We cannot accept notification of absences and/or booking make-up lessons via phone, text, email or verbally to pool staff.

Make up lessons can only be used in the term the student is booked, they will not be carried over into the next term and cannot be used during holiday intensive periods.

If you are unable to attend the scheduled make-up lesson, it will be forfeited.

There will be no refund or credit given for missed or unused make-up lessons as make up lessons are not guaranteed.

Make up lessons must be taken at the child’s swimming level.

Make up classes owing cannot be transferred to a sibling.

Make-ups cannot be issued for non-attendance during the last week of any swimming term.

It is a parent/guardian’s responsibility to book makeup lessons.

Lesson Cancellations

The City of Unley will not be held financially liable for any decision to cancel lessons due to unforeseen circumstances where the safety of patrons may come into question. This includes such circumstances such as unforeseen plant and equipment failure, water chemistry problems, natural disasters, or power outages.

As the City of Unley Swimming Centre is an outdoor facility, weather conditions have been considered for the cancellation of lessons. These are extreme storm conditions, lightning conditions, and extreme heat. If this occurs, we will arrange another time for students to complete lessons.

Public Holidays

There are no swimming lessons on public holidays at the Unley Swimming Centre unless specified otherwise.

Parents and Guardians Responsibilities

Participants under the age of 10 must be checked into their respective Learn To Swim class and collected from their class by a parent or guardian promptly post lesson so the instructor can continue with their next lessons without delay.

Parent/Guardian access on lesson days as a spectator is free of charge.

If a parent/guardian or sibling not in the Learn to Swim program intends to swim after the lessons, normal entry fees apply in this circumstance.

It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to check all grounds and change facilities for lost property. All property left behind will be donated to charity after being held for a maximum of two weeks at the Centre.

Supervision Requirements

Students are free to swim in the designated recreation spaces, prior to or at the conclusion of their allocated lessons. It is however the responsibility of the parent / guardian to make sure the child is properly supervised as per centre policy.

Unley Swimming Centre is 'Watch Around Water' facility, this policy outlines requirements for child supervision in an aquatic environment and must be followed, including the wearing of wristbands where required.

Children under the age of five (5) who swim before and/or after their lessons must be accompanied in the water and within arm’s reach, by a person over the age of sixteen (16) and be wearing a pink wrist band that can be issued at reception.

Children under the age of ten (10) must be actively supervised by a parent/guardian at all times within the centre and while in the water and must wear a yellow wrist band that can be issued at reception.

Participants under the age of ten (10) cannot access the facility without a parent or guardian present.

Behaviour Policy

Every student deserves the right to learn in a non-interrupted and safe environment. The Learn to Swim program behaviour policy is a two-warning system, then a time out. In the event of misbehaviour, the instructor may ask your child to sit out for a small period of the lesson.

The City of Unley Swimming Centre is a community friendly environment. No discriminating, insulting, offensive or vulgar behaviour will be tolerated. Persons not complying will be asked to leave at the discretion of Centre staff without refund.


The Unley Swimming Centre uses the Active World messenger portal as the primary communication channel. Access to the messenger portal is via the Active World APP used during the registration process.

In addition, communication may be made via email, text message, phone calls or website and social media updates.

Please ensure all contact details are entered into the Active World profiles and are up to date to receive any correspondence relating to the Unley Swimming Centre and the Learn to Swim program.

Management Rights

The Unley Swimming Centre reserves the rights to change the Learn to Swim program at any time. This may include but is not limited to changing class times, instructors, or format.

In the event of changes being made, the Centre will notify all current participants of the changes within seven (7) days of implementation.

The conditions listed are subject to change and must be read prior to the start of each term by new and re-enrolling families.

On Arrival

Arrive 10 minutes before the class start time.

Stop at entrance window for check in with a staff member.

Head to your allocated class and meet your instructor.

Unley Swimming Centre Learn To Swim Terms and Conditions(PDF, 467KB)

12 Month Membership and Multi Visit Passes

12 Month Membership Passes

General Public

  • The membership is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
  • The membership is non-transferable. Misuse may result in the cancellation of the pass and the City of Unley will not be liable for reimbursement of fees paid for the pass.
  • Each membership includes one (1) RFID access card and user assigned access barcode (located in your Active World App) for access to the Centre. Either of these must be scanned on every entry to the Centre for attendance recording purposes.
  • Issued RFID passes are the responsibility of the purchaser. If lost, stolen or destroyed the original pass number will be void and a replacement pass is required to be purchased for a $10 fee.
  • The membership shall not preclude the right of the Swim Centre Lead or staff to refuse entry to a membership holder who has, because of past or present conduct been asked to leave the Centre. If entry is refused, the City of Unley will not be liable for reimbursement of fees paid for the membership.
  • Occasionally the Centre will be unavailable due to carnivals and bookings. In these circumstances, information will be displayed at least one week prior and advertised on the council website unley.sa.gov.au
  • No cash refunds under any circumstance.
  • Claims on memberships regarding inability to use will only be received in writing and considered due to a medical impairment, accompanied by appropriate evidence. No claims will be accepted 50 days prior to expiration date.

Unley Amateur Swimming Club / Atlantis Masters Swimming Club Members

Members of both the Unley Amateur Swimming Club Members and Atlantis Masters Swimming Clubs will be required to show proof of current membership when purchasing this membership type.

  • The membership is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
  • The membership is non-transferable. Misuse may result in the cancellation of the pass and the City of Unley will not be liable for reimbursement of fees paid for the pass.
  • Each membership includes one (1) RFID access card and user assigned access barcode (located in your Active World App) for access to the Centre. Either of these must be scanned on every entry to the Centre for attendance recording purposes.
  • Issued RFID passes are the responsibility of the purchaser. If lost, stolen or destroyed the original pass number will be void and a replacement pass is required to be purchased for a $10 fee.
  • The membership shall not preclude the right of the Swim Centre Lead or staff to refuse entry to a membership holder who has, because of past or present conduct been asked to leave the Centre. If entry is refused, the City of Unley will not be liable for reimbursement of fees paid for the membership.
  • Occasionally the Centre will be unavailable due to carnivals and bookings. In these circumstances, information will be displayed at least one week prior and advertised on the council website unley.sa.gov.au
  • No cash refunds under any circumstance.
  • Claims on memberships regarding inability to use will only be received in writing and considered due to medical impairment, accompanied by appropriate evidence. No claims will be accepted 50 days prior to expiration date.


Multi Visit Passes

General Public

  • The pass is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
  • The pass is transferable with others however must only be used by persons in same pricing category. Misuse may result in the cancellation of the pass and the City of Unley will not be liable for reimbursement of fees paid for the pass.
  • Each multi visit pass includes one (1) RFID access card and a unique user assigned access barcode (located in your Active World App) for access to the Centre. Either of these must be scanned on every entry to the Centre for attendance recording purposes.
  • Once passes are purchased, they are the responsibility of the purchaser. If lost, stolen or destroyed the original pass number will be void and a replacement pass is required to be purchased for a $10 fee.
  • The pass shall not preclude the right of the Swim Centre Lead or staff to refuse entry to a pass holder who has, because of past or present conduct, been asked to leave the Centre. If entry is refused, the City of Unley will not be liable for reimbursement of fees paid for the pass.
  • Occasionally the Centre will be unavailable due to carnivals and bookings in these circumstances, information will be displayed at least one week prior and advertised on the council website unley.sa.gov.au
  • No cash refunds under any circumstance.
  • Claims on passes regarding inability to use will only be received in writing and considered due to medical impairment, accompanied by appropriate evidence. No claims will be accepted 50 days prior to expiration date.


Unley Amateur Swimming Club Members

Members of the Unley Amateur Swimming Club will be required to show proof of current membership when purchasing this membership type.

  • The pass is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
  • The pass is transferable with others however must only be used by persons in same pricing category. Misuse may result in the cancellation of the pass and the City of Unley will not be liable for reimbursement of fees paid for the pass.
  • Each multi visit pass includes one (1) RFID access card and a unique user assigned access barcode (located in your Active World App) for access to the Centre. Either of these must be scanned on every entry to the Centre for attendance recording purposes.
  • Once passes are purchased, they are the responsibility of the purchaser. If lost, stolen or destroyed the original pass number will be void and a replacement pass is required to be purchased for a $10 fee.
  • The pass shall not preclude the right of the Swim Centre Lead or staff to refuse entry to a pass holder who has, because of past or present conduct, been asked to leave the Centre. If entry is refused, the City of Unley will not be liable for reimbursement of fees paid for the pass.
  • Occasionally the Centre will be unavailable due to carnivals and bookings in these circumstances, information will be displayed at least one week prior and advertised on the council website unley.sa.gov.au
  • No cash refunds under any circumstance.
  • Claims on passes regarding inability to use will only be received in writing and considered due to medical impairment, accompanied by appropriate evidence. No claims will be accepted 50 days prior to expiration date.


Age Friendly Multi Visit Passes

  • The pass is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
  • The pass is transferable with others however must only be used by persons in same pricing category. Misuse may result in the cancellation of the pass and the City of Unley will not be liable for reimbursement of fees paid for the pass.
  • Each multi visit pass includes one (1) RFID access card and a unique user assigned access barcode (located in your Active World App) for access to the Centre. Either of these must be scanned on every entry to the Centre for attendance recording purposes.
  • Once passes are purchased, they are the responsibility of the purchaser. If lost, stolen or destroyed the original pass number will be void and a replacement pass is required to be purchased for a $10 fee.
  • The pass shall not preclude the right of the Swim Centre Lead or staff to refuse entry to a pass holder who has, because of past or present conduct, been asked to leave the Centre. If entry is refused, the City of Unley will not be liable for reimbursement of fees paid for the pass.
  • Occasionally the Centre will be unavailable due to carnivals and bookings in these circumstances, information will be displayed at least one week prior and advertised on the council website unley.sa.gov.au
  • No cash refunds under any circumstance.
  • Claims on passes regarding inability to use will only be received in writing and considered due to medical impairment, accompanied by appropriate evidence. No claims will be accepted 50 days prior to expiration date.


Group Fitness Multi Visit Pass

  • The pass is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
  • Upon purchase, the pass will be allocated to your profile with Active World to be used for the booking of sessions as required.
  • A group fitness pass only provides access to the Centre on day of the pre-booked session. Patrons must check in for their pre-booked session on arrival and are permitted to stay and use the facility post session.
  • The pass shall not preclude the right of the Swim Centre Lead or staff to refuse entry to a pass holder who has, because of past or present conduct, been asked to leave the Centre. If entry is refused, the City of Unley will not be liable for reimbursement of fees paid for the pass.
  • Occasionally the sessions will be unavailable due to carnivals and bookings. In these circumstances, information will be displayed at least one week prior and advertised on the council website, unley.sa.gov.au
  • Aquarobics sessions will only operate on Saturdays during the month of May.
  • No cash refunds under any circumstance.
  • Claims on passes regarding inability to use will only be received in writing and considered due to medical impairment, accompanied by appropriate evidence. No claims will be accepted 50 days prior to expiration date.


Private Swimming Lesson Multi Visit Pass

  • The pass is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
  • Upon purchase, the pass will be allocated to your profile with Active World to be used for the booking of lessons as required.
  • A private swimming lesson pass only provides access to the Centre on day of the prebooked lesson. Patrons must check in for their pre-booked lesson on arrival and are permitted to stay and use the facility post lesson.
  • The pass shall not preclude the right of the Swim Centre Lead or staff to refuse entry to a pass holder who has, because of past or present conduct, been asked to leave the Centre. If entry is refused, the City of Unley will not be liable for reimbursement of fees paid for the pass.
  • Private swimming lesson passes are only valid for use within the private lesson program and cannot be redeemed for cash or alternate services.
  • No cash refunds under any circumstance.
  • Claims on passes regarding inability to use will only be received in writing and considered due to medical impairment, accompanied by appropriate evidence. No claims will be accepted 50 days prior to expiration date.


Unley Swimming Centre Membership Terms and Conditions(PDF, 436KB)

Entry Conditions

Welcome to the Unley Swimming Centre

General Conditions of Entry

To ensure the Centre can provide a high level of service in a safe, healthy and pleasant environment for all, patrons must comply with the following conditions:

  • All patrons must pay or scan/present their card on entry to the centre.
  • Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an appropriate fee-paying adult.
  • The City of Unley Swimming Centre is a community-orientated centre. No discriminating, insulting, offensive or vulgar behaviour will be tolerated. Persons not complying will be asked to leave at the discretion of Centre staff and the City of Unley will not be liable for reimbursement of fees paid.
  • The Unley Swimming Centre is a smoke, vape, e-cigarette and alcohol-free facility.
  • No glass containers or objects permitted.
  • Management do not take responsibility of any personal items that may be lost, damaged or stolen.
  • Only persons approved by the Centre are permitted to conduct coaching and private swimming lessons at the Centre.

Photographic Policy

In line with our Safe Environment policy and commitment to creating a safe and enjoyable environment for children, vulnerable people and other patrons, all patrons must adhere to these Conditions of Entry regarding the use of photographic devices whilst visiting the Unley Swimming Centre.

  • Photographic devices include cameras, video cameras, mobile phone with cameras, and any other device with the ability to capture a still or moving image.
  • All patrons are to be respectful to one another, which includes respecting the view of other parties.
  • You must seek management's approval before taking any photos or video recordings.
  • Please be aware when using photographic devices some patrons (in the background of images) may take offence to having their image caught on camera.
  • When using photographic devices, the activities caught should be localised to only willing participants who have allowed for their image to be captured.
  • Management reserves the right to view any image taken. Refusal may result in the Police being called to view these images and the Police will then take appropriate action to address our concerns.
  • Management may hold onto a photographic device until the Police arrive, if they suspect indecent filming at the Centre had occurred on that photographic device.
  • If you are undertaking in what is deemed suspicious behaviour, management may contact the Police without prior warning.
  • Use of photographic devices in the change rooms can never be justified.
  • Some events, activities and programs at this Centre may allow only one approved photographer. At such events no one else will be allowed to use a photographic device.
  • Failure to follow these conditions of entry may result in:
    • You being removed or banned from the Centre; and / or
    • The Police being contacted; and / or
    • Any CCTV footage captured by our security system being made available to Police
  • Taking photos or recordings of someone without their consent may be considered failing to abide by these conditions of entry and could result in a breach of section 26D of the Summary Offences Act 1953 for indecent filming. This attracts a maximum fine of $20,000 or 4 years imprisonment.

Damage to the Centre

  • Any patron who willfully or through their negligence damages the Centre or its property will pay for the damage. Patrons are responsible for damages caused by their guests and children.

Safety, Maintenance and Service Demand

The Centre may from time to time as reasonably necessary, including:

  • Close off any part of the premises or isolate any piece of equipment for safety reasons.
  • Change the hours of operation or alter class timetable in accordance with demand.

Supervision Conditions of Entry

In relation to the Unley Swimming Centre's Watch Around Water Policy and Pool Supervision Guidelines, the following conditions will be enforced:

Children under 5

  • Children under five (5) years will not be permitted entry without an appropriate parent/guardian who is prepared to swim.
  • At all times, children under the age of 5 must wear a Pink wrist band and be within arm's reach of a parent or responsible person who is over the age of 16.
  • A maximum of 2 children under the age of 5 per adult (1:2) *Babies in prams are included in this ratio.

Children under 10 (5 - 9 years)

  • Children under ten (10) years will not be permitted entry without an appropriate parent/guardian.
  • At all times, children under the age of 10 must wear a Yellow wrist band and must be accompanied and actively supervised within clear view with no physical or structural barriers by a parent or responsible person who is over the age of 16.
  • A maximum of 4 children under the age of 10 per adult (1:4)

  • Groups/families will not be permitted entry where the number of Parent/Guardian's supervising a group of children exceeds the above ratios.
  • These ratios apply to all children upon entry of the Centre and include before and after attending swimming lessons.
  • For children 10 years or older, parents must use their knowledge of the child's swimming ability to determine the level of supervision required.
  • If a staff member is concerned for the safety of an unsupervised child, they have authority to remove the child from the water. Failure to abide by these conditions may result in removal from the Centre without refund.

Unley Swimming Centre Entry Conditions(PDF, 431KB)