Road resurfacing works


In order to improve the quality and safety of our roads for the community, Council undertakes an annual road resurfacing program.

As roads age the asphalt surface degrades, and this process is sped up by the impacts of water, traffic and sunlight, resulting in cracking and pot holes. Regular resurfacing of asphalt is undertaken to act like a seal and protect the underlying pavement materials.

What will the works involve?

Road resurfacing involves removing the existing asphalt surface by profiling (sometimes referred to as milling) down to the desired depth. The profiled asphalt is then taken back to the contractor’s yard where it can be incorporated into future asphalt seals on our roads as RAP (recycled asphalt product).

Typically, the thickness of a new asphalt seal will be around 40-50mm thick, and consist of approximately 30% recycled asphalt product as well as crumb rubber bitumen made from 20% waste tyres to improve the asphalt’s performance.


Why we resurface roads

Roads are an important part of our City, not only for cars and trucks, but also for cyclists. Providing a smooth safe road surface for all users is essential both from a service level expectation but also for safety by ensuring the surface is free of defects and has a high level of grip.

Many City of Unley roads were built a long time ago. The underlying pavement material is typically long-lasting and will serve the City for many more years to come, so having a high-quality seal, free of potholes and cracks, helps ensure it achieves its full life.


How will you know if works are planned?

Residents directly affected by the works will receive a Coming Soon notification card for the proposed works, approximately two months before the intended start date.

Before the works begin, residents will receive a second Starting Soon notification to let you know the work is about to commence, explain what the works involve. The notification will include contact details and what to do on the day of the works.


How do we keep the community safe?

 While we try to minimise the impact to residents, unfortunately some inconvenience may occur, such as:

  • The road will likely be closed during works,
  • Access to properties will be limited for short periods of time, during works hours however the road will be opened upon the completion of works each night,
  • Generally works are confined between 7am and 6pm Monday to Saturday,
  • Works may involve considerable noise, including horns and reversing beeping to keep workers and the community safe.

When construction works are occurring your street is a worksite and everyone's safety is important so please take care and listen to construction crews who are approachable and willing to help if you need. Alternatively, please call the contact person listed in the letter.

To minimise impacts we generally try to plan and work around holidays and highly trafficked areas. Our time lines may change due to unforeseen circumstances, this makes it difficult to notify affected residents earlier.

Road Surfacing FAQs

Bin collection has occurred and because of the works my bin was missed, should I leave it out?

Please ensure bins are placed out by 6am on the normal day of collection, Council works with our contractors to coordinate waste collection around construction works, however sometimes bins may be missed. Please leave your bin out and we will endeavour to pick it up the following day. If this doesn’t happen please ring Council on 8372 5111

Some kerb was replaced before the road, but only small sections. Why wasn’t the kerb on the rest of the street replaced?

Council undertake routine maintenance on their kerb and water table before the roadworks are undertaken and we aim to coordinate this with our roadwork program to minimise impact to residents.

Unfortunately we can’t fix all the kerb as this is not financially viable, and our first priority is to repair the sections that have been lifted by tree roots and will inhibit water flow along the street.

Why is there a constant horn blowing?

Council’s contractors use the horns to guide the trucks on the worksite. This is a safety issue and our contractor has investigated other methods without success. Unfortunately, even though it is disruptive, horn blowing is still the safest method.

When can I drive on the road?

Once the contractors have left the site for the day, the road will be open to the public again.

Construction feedback

If you have recently had works completed in your street, we would love to hear from you, please complete a survey: 

Construction Works Feedback
