Government support and My Aged Care

Commonwealth Home Support Program

The City of Unley’s Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) provides access to in‑home assistance, social activities and transport to help people live independently and maintain their quality of life. Decisions under the program are made directly with clients and their advocates so that individuals feel comfortable and supported throughout. Services are subsidised and clients contribute towards their cost. To learn more, watch the short video here.


All services provided through the City of Unley Commonwealth Home Support Program are funded from the Commonwealth Government and Council, as part of our funding agreement we are required to collect a contribution towards the services we provide, the forms below provide further information, noting no one is denied a service based on an inability to pay. For further information please contact one of the friendly CHSP team members.

Client contribution schedule(PDF, 265KB)

Client Contribution Protocol(PDF, 296KB)

Client Contribution Fact Sheet(PDF, 214KB)

Negotiated Contribution Review and Outcomes Form(PDF, 407KB)

The CHSP upholds and abides by the Charter of Aged Care Rights and is funded by the Federal Government. Access is determined by individual need and our ability to meet that need. 

To be eligible for the City of Unley CHSP you must be:

  • 65 years or older (50 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people), or
  • 50 years or older (45 years or older for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) and on a low income, homeless, or at risk of being homeless,
  • Living in the City of Unley council area, and
  • assessed as eligible by My Aged Care. 

Applicants will first need to register with My Aged Care. Applicants can nominate the City of Unley as their preferred provider, if they choose to.

Check out our survey results

Conducted in 2022, this surveys shows that we continue to provide high levels of service performance for our community in the City of Unley. We are proud to have this on display and encourage you to reach out to discuss figures you may find interesting.

CHSP Research Report March 2023(PDF, 918KB)

My Aged Care

My Aged Care is the central contact centre which provides an entry point to the aged care system for the general public.

Registration and assessment provides seniors with access to basic community support services, complex community care packages or residential care.

Further information about My Aged Care can be found on their website.

How to access the City of Unley CHSP

1. Contact My Aged Care

Your first step is to get in contact with My Aged Care so that you can register your details with them. My Aged Care is both a contact centre and a referral point. There are three ways to start the registration process with My Aged Care:

  • Telephone toll free on 1800 200 422 (weekdays 8am to 8pm and Saturdays 10am to 2pm)
  • Be referred by a service provider (such as the City of Unley).

In your initial registration you will be asked about your health, how you’re managing at home and any support you’re currently receiving. You can nominate a support person or advocate to speak on your behalf if you wish.

At the end of the registration, you will be informed whether you are eligible for a face-to-face assessment. If you are eligible, an assessor will contact you within three weeks to arrange a face-to-face assessment. If it is determined that you have immediate needs, My Aged Care may refer you directly to services before your face-to-face assessment takes place.

2. Face to face assessment

The face to face assessment will help to decide what levels of support you need and provide you with a referral to an agency who can best meet your needs. 

If you are determined as eligible to access the Commonwealth Home Support Program you can nominate the City of Unley as your preferred provider.

3. Eligibility is determined 

After the assessment, the assessor will either provide you with service referral codes or lodge referrals on your behalf. My Aged Care will provide you with a reference number (AC number) that City of Unley staff will then ask for when you apply for the support programs we offer. 

If you require more complex care, My Aged Care will arrange for you to meet with an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) to help work out more complex packages of home care (there are four levels) or access to residential care.

Naming a preferred provider

Naming a preferred provider is about you having choice. You can nominate the City of Unley as your preferred provider or, if you wish, name an alternative organisation.

As your preferred provider, we can work directly with you to ensure the support and services delivered through the City of Unley’s Commonwealth Home Support Program is flexible and meets your needs.

If you do not nominate a preferred provider, you will be referred to an organisation in your local area that is able to deliver the service. Alternatively, you may be provided with a referral code which you can take to your own provider.

Further information and help

Our Commonwealth Home Support Program staff can assist you to contact My Aged Care online or by phone, or if you wish, we can streamline the process by liaising with My Aged Care on your behalf.

With some basic information we can start the registration process. You may then be contacted by a representative from My Aged Care and, if an assessment is necessary, they will arrange it for you.

Contact us on (08) 8372 5198 or email

Useful organisations and information


Prevention of Elder Abuse

Adult Safeguarding Unit

The Adult Safeguarding Unit (ASU) became operational on 1 October 2019. The ASU responds to reports or concerns of abuse in relation to adults vulnerable to abuse aged 65 years and over, and 50 years and over for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people and from 1 October 2020 adults living with a disability. From 2022, the ASU will work with all adults who may be vulnerable to abuse. 

If you suspect you or someone you know is at risk of or is being abused, you can call the South Australian Abuse Prevention Phone Line on 1800 372 310, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm for information, support or to make a report to the Adult Safeguarding Unit, or email


Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN)

OPAN is a national network of nine state and territory organisations that aims to provide a national voice for aged care advocacy and promote excellence and consistency in the delivery of advocacy services.

Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS)

ARAS offers a free, confidential and state-wide service to older people, or their representatives, who are: 

  • living in residential aged care
  • receiving Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) or Home Care Package (HCP) services
  • at risk of, or experiencing abuse from family or friends
  • living in a retirement village.

ARAS provides advocacy assistance to support older people to uphold their rights and their responsibilities.

Phone 8232 5377 or 1800 700 600 (Freecall)

Council on the Ageing (COTA)

COTA SA is the peak body promoting the rights and interests of older South Australian and influences policy and programs. COTA has extensive membership at the individual and organisational level and is able to offer a number of programs to promote health and wellbeing and increase the participation of older people in the community.  

Catalyst Foundation

The Catalyst Foundation (formerly the Seniors Information Service) is a volunteer support-based organisation that helps people understand and navigate complex social support systems. It does this by building individual capacity through information and direct support.

Opening hours :

  • Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
  • Internet Hub: Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.

Citizens Advocacy South Australia

The priority of Citizen Advocacy South Australia is the promotion, protection and defence of personal welfare and interests of people with an intellectual disability. 

Dementia Australia

Making a complaint

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

The role of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (Commission) is to protect and enhance the safety, health, well-being and quality of life of people receiving aged care.  

The Commission is the national end-to-end regulator of aged care services, and the primary point of contact for consumers and providers in relation to quality and safety.

The commission encourages clients and/or carers, if comfortable, to resolve concerns directly with the provider – but provides support to resolves concerns when direct interaction has not been effective. The website provides useful information about how to make a complaint.

Phone: 1800 951 822

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission website

Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner (HCSCC)

Phone: (08) 8226 8666


HCSCC website

The HCSCC assists service users, carers and service providers to resolve complaints about health and community services in South Australia. The office encourages and assists consumers to resolve complaints directly with the service provider, but can assist with dispute resolution when direct interaction has not been effective.

Disability Advocacy and Complaints Service of South Australia (DACSSA)

DACSSA provides support, information and advocacy for all people with disability, their families, friends and carers.

Phone: (08) 7122 6030


Culturally- appropriate supports

Nunkuwarrin Yunti

This organisation provides culturally-appropriate health care and community support services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Street Address: 182 - 190 Wakefield Street, Adelaide

Phone: 8406 1600

Nunkuwarrin Yunti website 

Translation and interpreting

Support for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

If you’re an older person from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background, or you’re caring for an older person from a CALD background, there are aged care services specifically for you. Many organisations now offer specific diets, activities, languages or spiritual needs, whatever your cultural, linguistic or spiritual background.

If you speak a language other than English, you can call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 for support to talk to My Aged Care or with your aged care provider about your services.

TIS National covers more than 100 languages and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the cost of a local call.

My Aged Care can help you access aged care information in other languages. There are also printable brochures, posters and spoken information in other languages to help you get started with My Aged Car

If you would like assistance with CALD information please contact one of our friendly team members on 8372 5198 to assist you with this process.

Interpreting and Translating Centre (ITC)

The ITC is a South Australian Government agency that provides confidential and professional interpreting and translation services.

Phone: 1800 280 203


National Relay Service

Voice Relay: 1300 555 727

Teletypewriter (TTY): 133 677

SMS Relay: 0423 677 767 

National Disability Insurance Scheme

The NDIS provides support to eligible people with disability. 

Phone: 1800 800 110


Carers SA

From April 2020, under the Government’s new carer support model, Carers SA is now be the main provider of services for South Australia’s 250,000 unpaid carers. Carers SA provides carers with a range of support services including

  • Carer support planning;
  • Practical support packages;
  • In-person counselling;
  • In-person peer support and coaching
  • Emergency respite care.

Phone: 1800 422 737


Carers SA website