Next date: Monday, 10 February 2025 | 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM
Held in our Childcare area with a Playgroup leader, our well-equipped play area has excellent resources, including a garden playground. Our play sessions provide an opportunity for caregivers and children to have fun together and to meet others from the local community. Well-equipped play area with excellent resources, including a garden playground. New families are always welcome.
Mondays 10am – 1pm (during school terms only)
Clarence Park Community Centre, 72 - 74 East Avenue, Black Forest
Cost $5 per family/session
For more information, contact the Centre, phone 8293 8166
Clarence Park Community Centre, 72-74 East Avenue, Black Forest, 5035, View Map
72-74 East Avenue , Black Forest 5035
$5 per family