Free online gardening workshops

Published on 07 September 2022


Grow It Local has five upcoming live online workshops for our residents starting soon and running through until December. Each online workshop is an opportunity to engage with new and current members about Grow It Local, and to let people know about the range of gardening support and information available.  

The five workshops will be advertised individually on the City of Unley's website Events pages - and the links to each session is embedded in the underlined phrase referring to each one - but here's a quick snapshot of what's in store for keen gardeners:

How to Grow and Make a Garden Salad (Saturday 17 September - 2.30-3.30pm)

Did you know that salad became a popular food style during the Roman Empire? It appeared in the form of raw leafy vegetables covered in salty, oily dressing (the word salad comes from 'sal', Latin for salt). Join Grow It Local at no cost to access to this free online workshop, all about how to grow lettuce at home.

Become a Garden Detective (Thursday 13 October - 6-7pm)

Join well-known media presenter and gardening expert Sophie Thomson in this free workshop, to learn how to keep plants happy and healthy so they don't get sick, and how to encourage 'garden guardians' into your vegetable patch to help you deal with the bad bugs.

How to Grow a Tea Garden (Saturday 29 October - 2.30-3.30pm)

Herbs are some of the easiest and most attractive plants to cultivate. Teas made from them can improve health and help common conditions. Access this online workshop with Casey Lister, who will introduce you to varieties you can grow to make delicious herbals teas at home - regardless of your time, space, or skills.

The Ten Commandments of Composting (Saturday 12 November 2.30-3.30pm) 

Join composting queen 'Compost Kate', as she presents a live online workshop for Grow It Local members on the do's and don'ts of composting to reduce food waste and enhance your edible garden. Compost is a gardener’s best friend; it enriches the soil, helps to retain moisture, and suppresses diseases and pests. 

Christmas Presents from the Garden Patch (Saturday 10 December 2.30-3.30pm) 

Stuck for Christmas gift ideas? Join Grow It Local co-founder, chef and master gardener Paul West for this exclusive live online workshop. He will take you through how you can give gifts from the heart, gifts from your own garden patch. Join Grow It Local for free access to this session.